The web pages listed below offer good resources for those who value truth over tradition. They are listed here (in no particular order) because the author of this website has found them to be helpful for various reasons. The descriptions below, for the most part, are taken directly from the websites.
One in Jesus (
This site is dedicated to members of the Churches of Christ searching for a deeper understanding of God’s grace, the Holy Spirit, and more. Ultimately, the mission of this site is to set forth an understanding of the Bible that will allow for a reunification of the Churches of Christ.
The Examiner (
During the eight years of its publication, The Examiner was distributed free and had readers internationally. Primarily, it examines doctrines peculiar to the Church Of Christ, the Christian Church, and the Disciples of Christ (churches of “The Restoration Movement”).
Al Maxey (
Designed for those disciples who have a Berean spirit; who are willing to examine afresh their convictions and practices in light of God’s inspired Word. These are noble-minded seekers of ultimate Truth, willing to study and examine the Scriptures daily to determine if their personal perceptions and preferences constitute Truth or merely Tradition (Acts 17:11).